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गुरुवार, 1 जुलाई 2021

Reply of objection letter by UP-RERA || Letter Format of UP RERA





Date: 20.11.2020



The Technical Advisor

UP Real Estate Regulatory Authority

Naveen Bhavan, Rajya Niyojan Sansthan,

Kala Kankar House, Old Hyderabad,

Lucknow – 226007

Uttar Pradesh


Ref: In the case of XYZ Private Limited for its proposed Project “Parag” situated at Khasra No. 879; Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh bearing Application ID No. 16543.


Sub: Reply to your objection letter 1978405/UP-RERA/Project Reg./2019-20 sent vide mail dated 17.12.2020.


Respected Sir,


This is with reference to the above mentioned subject; we wish to submit as under for your kind consideration:


1.    With reference to Point 1(one) of the said letter, wherein a query has been raised that brief description of development work plan has not been uploaded, in this regard we wish to submit that the same has now been uploaded on the portal.


2.    With reference to Point 2(two) of the said letter, wherein a query has been raised that permit no. is incompletely mentioned, in this regard we wish to submit that complete permit no. has now been mentioned on the portal.


3.    With reference to Point 3(three) of the said letter, wherein a query has been raised that in layout plan and co-promoter details “Sunil kumar” name is appearing whereas in sanction letter of PDA “Sunil” is mentioned, in this regard we wish to submit that the Officials of


Prayagraj Development Authority have inadvertently omitted the word “Kumar” while drafting the sanctioned letter and the name “Sunil got printed on the sanctioned letter. It is declared hereby that both the names belong to the same person only and it was an unintentional human error on part of Prayagraj Development Authority.


4.    With reference to Point 4 & 6 of the said letter, wherein consortium agreement and land registry were asked, we wish to submit that “Registry and Khatoni details of Land owners” have been uploaded on the portal. Further we wish to emphasize that registered Joint Development Agreement in favor of Promoter has already been uploaded on the portal.


5.    With reference to point 5 (five) of the said letter, wherein a query has been raised that CA, Engineer and Architect Certificates of the project are not uploaded, in this regard we wish to submit that the same has now been duly uploaded on the web portal.


We hope that this may suffice your requirement and request you to grant the registration of the project.



Yours faithfully


For XYZ Private Limited





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