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गुरुवार, 5 मार्च 2020

Format of Adjournment letter



The Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax
 Prayagraj, Sector-12, DC

 Dear Sir,

                    Ref: Notices u/s 250 of Income Tax, against PAN -ABXPF2545S

 Sub: Request for Adjournment of Hearing in the case of M/s XYZ for the Asst. Year 2019-20

The abovementioned case has been fixed for hearing today vide your notice dated 10.01.2020. Unfortunately, our accountant has been ill for about a fortnight, we think we won’t be able to prepare the necessary accounts by the due date. Therefore, we are not in a position to attend the hearing.

I request you, therefore, to kindly grant an adjournment of the hearing to any date convenient to you after 17-01-2020.

We will be highly obliged if you kindly grant us the said extension.
Thanking You,
                                                                                                                                   Yours faithfully

                                                                                                                      For XYZ

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